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They Are Closing Up the Internet

They Are Closing Up the Internet

Such confusing times, so much in dispute, so much to discover and know. Billions of people are right now lifting their phones to their faces and searching for answers. The results they see are dramatically different from what they were just a few years ago. You have...

Etam: Trump and Energy

Etam: Trump and Energy

Did you know that the United States Secret Service has a Chief of Communications? Does that not seem a little odd? To excel at his job, would he be perfectly silent? Well, he’s not…Over the weekend the Chief of Communications of the United States Secret Service took...

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Should legislators use the nothwithstanding clause more?

Should legislators use the nothwithstanding clause more?

Recently, there has been a debate regarding the use of the Notwithstanding Clause in the event that Conservatives form the Government next year.   The Federal Government has never used this clause to override a decision by the courts, although many provinces have....