Results for "woke"

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Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Avoiding the Big Tech Convergence

Avoiding the Big Tech Convergence

Walking through a Manhattan subway station recently, I saw sign after sign advertising Google’s latest features on its “Pay” app. Huge walls of advertisements displayed photographs of happy users seeing how their monthly spending broke down, seemingly reaping the...

Canada Racist? Only its Government

Canada Racist? Only its Government

Canada has always prided itself on being one of the most open and least racist countries in the world. This view may not have always been true, particularly with regard to our past immigration policies, which only became colour neutral in the 1960s. But since then,...

How to Survive in the Age of Cancel Culture

How to Survive in the Age of Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is a fact of life in our modern “woke” world. It is coming after more and more people. Almost every day we read about this or that professor, musician, conservative journalist or public figure who is shamed and banished for some ill-considered tweet or...

The Marxist Playbook Hasn’t Changed

The Marxist Playbook Hasn’t Changed

“We will take America without firing a shot,” said Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of Soviet Russia from 1958 to 1964. The Soviet Union may have vanished, but old Marxist strategies are still being implemented. The 1969 lecture “More Deadly Than War: The Communist...

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

The second-largest Ebola outbreak in history is over, but the sexual misconduct investigations regarding WHO’s aid workers in the Congo has just begun. The Congolese Ebola outbreak started in 2018 and was declared over on June 25, 2020. It had 3481 cases, 2299...