Results for "china"

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The Renewable Part of Hydrogen is the Hype

Once again, the world is staging ClimateFest 26, aka the United Nations Conference of the Parties, where peddlers of alternative energy schemes try to plunge their dippers into the river of climate change funding that flows around the world. This funding is generated...

The Myth (and Phony Math) of ‘Green’ Jobs

The Myth (and Phony Math) of ‘Green’ Jobs

Governments are killing real jobs and conning us about “millions of good green jobs.” “Fool me once,” Stephen King wrote, “shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.” His adage certainly applies to the myth (and fake math) of...

Immigration and Reverse Immigration

Immigration and Reverse Immigration

Border controls over immigration and views about who has a right to cross national frontiers and settle as an immigrant have evoked impassioned debate and conflicting politics. Such issues raise basic questions about the nation-state, the control over the state’s...

Borders, Boundaries and Walls, Part 1 of 2

Borders, Boundaries and Walls, Part 1 of 2

While boundaries have traditionally, at least within the context of geographic statehood, represented physical demarcations, they have a much broader significance. Borders are essential declarations of sovereignty, but boundaries are equally social, political, and...

Two Pandemics Are Scarier Than One

Two Pandemics Are Scarier Than One

This week marked the anniversary of the COVID-19 confinements that were only supposed to last for a few weeks. That was 52 weeks ago.  In many ways, fear became the pandemic. Different people drive the COVID-19 fear, but its principal generators are statisticians and...