The COVID-19 crisis led to significant travel restrictions in the world and in Canada. The country has totally or partially closed its national borders to tourists and non-essential travellers. Within Canada, travel between provinces has been restricted. Indeed, some...
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New-ish LNG Project has Nisga’a First Nation Backing, Aiding its Launch, but Will Not Guarantee It
Recently, a previously-mooted huge, estimated $55 billion Liquefied Natural Gas, ‘LNG’, project taking natural gas from Northeastern British Columbia to its northwest coast at Pearse Island received the blessing and explicit financial and political backing from the...
COVID-19 Data, Booster Shots, and the Shattered Scientific ‘Consensus’
WATCH THE VIDEO (click on the link below) PART 1: Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Vaccine Inventor, on Latest COVID-19 Data, Booster Shots, and the Shattered Scientific ‘Consensus’ “We need to confront the data [and] not try to cover stuff up or hide risks,” says mRNA vaccine...
Trade with Mercosur: Opportunities for Canada
In November 2018, Canada and Mercosur opened negotiations for a free trade agreement. The Mercosur, composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Venezuela is a suspended member from 2016), represents a bloc representing a GDP of over $3 trillion and a...
Featured News
Can the Integrity of our Colleges Be Restored?
Half a century ago, our colleges and universities were liberal in their orientations and policies. Generally, they treated students and staff as individuals who were judged by their academic achievements and potentials. (Where they existed, the exceptions were...
Getting a Better Bang for the Pothole Buck
The perennial game of political football over who should fund rural roads could end with better integrated engineering and accounting practices that identify the most damaging road uses; then, Canadian governments could charge users according to the maintenance they necessitate.
Media Release – Better Accounting Could Solve Funding Headaches for Rural Roads
In other parts of the world, rural government jurisdictions faced similar challenges and responded by charging users in proportion to the exceptional damage they cause. This is the “exceptional user-pays” principle.
How Can Cities with Unaffordable Housing be Ranked Among the Most Livable Cities in the World?
A survey that included housing affordability, per capita income, tax rates (central and local), and average drive-time to work, would almost certainly generate quite different rankings. Perhaps what has been missing is this acknowledgement that different factors motivate different kinds of people.
Dr. Kenneth P. Green, Environmental Scientist
Frontier talks to Dr. Kenneth Green about the Canada’s environmental record over the past 30 years.
Manitobans Split on Whether to Sell Water to the United States
If you live in Winnipeg or are below age 55, you are more likely to favour selling water from Hudson’s Bay to the United States; if you live in a rural area or are over 55, you are likely to be opposed. Those are the results of a new poll released by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and conducted by Probe Research. Overall, 46% of Manitobans favour selling water to the United States and 45% are opposed.
Media Release – Manitobans Split on Whether to Sell Water to the United States
New Frontier Centre poll shows 46% of Manitobans would sell water from Hudson’s Bay to the U.S.
Canada’s Obama Love Affair Undercuts our National Interest
The quasi-mystical worship of Barack Obama is not in Canada’s national interest. From border issues to trade, the Democratic president and his allies in Congress are targeting foreign countries and that includes Canada.
Media Release – Free Parking v. Sensible Cities
A new Frontier Centre backgrounder, How Free is Your Parking?, notes that so-called “free” parking has detrimental effects on economic development, undermine the transportation system, and come at a high cost to low-income households.
How Free is Your Parking?
“Somehow, the urban land use with the biggest footprint and a profound effect on the transportation system has been invisible to scholars in every discipline.” – Donald Shoup, The High Cost of Free Parking (2005) Introduction Drivers in North America typically...