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Why Do We Remember?

Why Do We Remember?

Ever since 1931, Canadians have paused on November 11 to mark Remembrance Day, a commemoration of those who have died serving in our country’s wars. (From 1919 to 1930 the observance was called Armistice Day and held on the Sunday nearest November 11.) Men and women...

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Canadians are watching protests on American streets that stem in part from their history of slavery. That “original sin” dogs America, and tears at its soul.  But Canada, too, has an “original sin”. And that is our history with Indigenous people. It is not that it...

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The New Zealand Resource Management Act

For many centuries, the Anglo-American tradition has emphasized the fiduciary duty of all those who manage other people’s assets and affairs, such as trustees and directors. This fiduciary duty imposes a higher duty of care on such people, than on the ordinary person....