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Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

With the recent prorogation of parliament, Canadians face the chance of an election come September after the government introduces its Speech from the Throne. Many are criticizing the government’s decision to prorogue.  Perhaps as all the national parties prepare for...

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The Value of Life

I was watching a very moving piece of cinema the other day. It concerned a beautiful young woman, happily married to a successful doctor, who suddenly falls victim to a debilitating and incurable disease. She is horrified to think what will soon happen to her and...

An Uprising in Canada

Ten years ago, Douglas Bland, a retired lieutenant-colonel from the Canadian Forces and the Chair of Defense Studies at Queen’s University, wrote Uprising: A Novel. In this 500-page work of “fiction,” Bland outlines how militant Indigenous warriors and their allies...

Medicare Status Quo Argument Ailing

Despite the repeated affirmations of the medicare establishment that there is no serious academic research establishing that private care can help lower prices or improve efficiency, all this proves is their ignorance of the very literature they’re citing.