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Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

An infamous quote (“Screw the west, we’ll take the rest”) from then Liberal organizer Keith Davey during the 1980 election drove Albertans’ bumper stickers saying “let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark”. Pierre Trudeau and his notorious National Energy Program...

The Invention of ‘Systemic Racism’

The Invention of ‘Systemic Racism’

It is now the official view in government, industry, and education that African Americans and certain other “people of color” perform poorly in schools and the workforce, but nonetheless must be treated as if they perform well. The statistically weak performance of...

Featured News

First Nation Commercial Forestry

When one thinks of Indigenous engagement in the natural resource economy, one usually thinks of opportunities in the oil and gas industry or in mining. However, increasingly, First Nations are getting involved in commercial forestry. Certain provinces – including...

Visions of the Anointed

Careful what you wish for, you just might get it. In recent years there has been a trend for young entrepreneurs to publicly embrace so-called progressive values and new urbanism. Once those policies are implemented and negative effects on their businesses start to...

Searching for a Miracle Solution

This might seem an odd moment for a senior doctor to call for a switch in the way that the NHS is financed. Yet that is what Bernard Ribeiro, the new president of the Royal College of Surgeons, has done. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph published on August 13th, he argued that a tax-based system will be unable to cope with future health-care demands. Instead, Britain ought to emulate the social-insurance model of Germany and France, in which the main source of finance is contributions levied on workers’ pay.

Who will help the kids?

Welcome to Pauingassi First Nation, located on the edge of nowhere. Half the kids here are gasoline sniffers. Their one hope is a social worker who's fighting to save them. He needs help because he's losing the battle PAUINGASSI -- Eric Kennedy sits on the sofa in his...

A Year of Zero Tax Reductions

A Year of Zero Tax Reductions

The Tax Load Index offers a simple measure of tax competitiveness across western Canada and adjacent jurisdictions, including Ontario and four American border states, North Dakota and Minnesota, Montana and Washington.