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Sweden Did It Right – We Did It Wrong

Sweden Did It Right – We Did It Wrong

Sweden Did It Right - We Did It Wrong While most western countries reacted to COVID-19 with shutdowns and relief cheques while imposing a bewildering array of social distancing rules and regulations, Sweden did none of that. Instead, it imposed a minimum number of...

The Past is a Foreign Country

The Past is a Foreign Country

Someone named Laila El Mugammar thinks about racism every time she stands up for the Canadian national anthem. This is because the composer of the song’s tune, the nineteenth-century Québeçois musician Calixa Lavallée, once founded a blackface minstrel group which...

Trans Mountain and Duty to Consult

Trans Mountain and Duty to Consult

The decision by the Supreme Court of Canada to dismiss the latest challenge by Indigenous groups over the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project should not come as a surprise.  It was a predictable outcome in a line of successive rulings that Trans Mountain had met...

Featured News

Just Watch Me

That was the famous boast by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau during what was called the “October Crisis” of 1970. Politician Pierre LaPorte had been taken hostage by the Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ). Earlier, British Diplomat James Cross had been kidnapped -...

Jurassic Twilight – Farm Monopolists

DINOSAURS live. Two have been roaming the Canadian prairies and parts of Australia, respectively, for decades, and are still at it: the two countries' legally enforced wheat-export monopolies. But till when? American farmers think it is time they were extinct. They...

In Private Enterprise We (mis)Trust

Should governments look to public-private partnerships (P3s) to cure all that ails healthcare? Manitoba says “no” and Nova Scotia says “maybe” but then along came the Supreme Court, throwing a wrench in the works with a decision that’s widely seen as a threat to the public healthcare status quo.