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Alberta Fair Panel – Thinking Outside the Box

Alberta Fair Panel – Thinking Outside the Box

The Fair Deal Panel was established and commissioned by Premier Jason Kenney in November 2019. The panel conducted the bulk of its public hearings and received the most input from experts and interest groups during the months of December, January and early February....

Throughout History Hagia Sophia

Throughout History Hagia Sophia

Throughout history, when one religion succeeds in achieving political dominance over another, one of the first things that happens is that places of worship change hands. When the Romans put down the second of two great Jewish rebellions against their rule, Emperor...

Featured News

Whose Side Are You On?

"The red coats we know, but who are those little black devils?” This was the question posed by a Métis prisoner after the Battle of Fish Creek. Thus was born the nickname of the military unit that would later be known as the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, one that had been...

Should Canada Ban Trans Fats?

A ban on trans fats is premature. The relative risk numbers for trans fats from a number of studies are too low to cause alarm. The ban will make food more expensive and open Canada to trade retaliation. A better recourse is to encourage a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

Top of the Flops

THE best police forces in Britain are up to four times more likely to catch criminals than the worst. New “performance indicators” for area divisions show an alarming variation in detection rates.