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No-Fault Insurance in Alberta?

No-Fault Insurance in Alberta?

In these times when everyone’s attention seems to be riveted on COVID-19, it is important to remember that there are still bad policy ideas that have some chance of becoming legislation in the not too distant future.  The Alberta government recently convened an expert...

Reform Spending or Devalue our Living Standards?

Reform Spending or Devalue our Living Standards?

In looking forward towards a post-pandemic recovery for Canada, an important player is the bond market.  Over the last 20 years, Canadian provinces have borrowed heavily.  Total provincial bonds now exceed federal government bonds - $650 billion outstanding for the...

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Universities Today

Western Universities have been major contributors to our civilization and others through scientific discovery and humanistic scholarship. Knowledge both old and new has been expanded, enriched, and diffused. Universities have also been an important channel of upward...