Results for "china"

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The Endemic Path is the Way Out

The Alberta premier’s plan to treat the coronavirus as endemic was the way out of the COVID crisis. That he is once again adopting restrictions for the province, for the fourth time, does not negate the endemic approach.  But his declaration, paraphrasing President...

Fauci-Birx Climate Models

Fauci-Birx Climate Models

Honest, evidence-based climate models could avoid trillions of dollars in policy blunders   President Trump and his Coronavirus Task Force presented some frightening numbers during their March 31 White House briefing. Based on now 2-week-old data and models, as...

COVID-19 Panic Worse Than Disease

COVID-19 Panic Worse Than Disease

General George S. Patton once proclaimed, “Fear kills more people than death!” That makes as much sense (or not) as something Yogi Berra said: “No one goes to that restaurant anymore; it’s too crowded.” These days no one goes to the restaurant because the government...

Canada Was No Stranger to Epidemics

Canada Was No Stranger to Epidemics

They called it the Spanish Lady and it was a killer. In March 1918, in the fourth year of a war in which the Allies were in retreat from a German onslaught, a new and horrible disease landed on the shores of eastern North America.  The killer was a new strain of...

Message from the President

March 20, 2020 Dear Friends of the Frontier Centre:   There can be plenty of irony when revisiting the oft-used old Chinese saying – “May you live in interesting times”.  According to popular belief it is an English expression of a traditional Chinese curse.  ...

Gold’s Rise Could Be Signalling Chaos

Gold’s Rise Could Be Signalling Chaos

Gold is a strange commodity. While it has some industrial uses, it mostly ends up in jewelry or money-surrogates such as coins and ingots; the latter often in central bank vaults. Unlike other metals, it accumulates and circulates in the economy and society; it is not...