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Why Can’t We Just Say ‘No?’

Why Can’t We Just Say ‘No?’

“Defining deviancy down” is a cultural philosophy that emerged in the United States during the 1990s. It refers to society’s tendency to adjust its standards of deviancy “down,” so that behaviours which were once unacceptable become acceptable.  Over time, this newly-...

Don’t Be Fooled by High-Speed Rail

Don’t Be Fooled by High-Speed Rail

The Canadian government is considering spending $6 billion to $12 billion to introduce what it calls “high-frequency trains” between Toronto and Quebec City. Though some media reports have described these as high-speed trains (which generally means trains capable of...

Featured News

Strike Before the Crumble

COVID-19 has left a gaping hole in Quebec’s healthcare system. Lack of nursing personnel, testing shortages, overflooding hospitals and postponed surgeries have turned Quebec’s healthcare into complete chaos. "We must invest in the health-care system, which is in the...

Let a Thousand Capital Markets Bloom

Alarm bells ought to be ringing in Canada. Business, industrial and foreign direct investment have performed pitifully over the past decade, with no reason to believe there will be a turnaround any time soon. As noted by Steven Globerman of Western Washington...

Malicious Stalking as a Literary Device

Malicious Stalking as a Literary Device

Airport bookstores are often filled with customers, and surely some buy. I don’t. I just like to see what books among many millions of possible candidates land in such prime real estate. As a publisher, I’m aware of the herculean efforts, vast resources, and network...

2024 Republican Presidential Candidate?

2024 Republican Presidential Candidate?

The USA is about to start their Presidential Primaries, with the Republican Party actively seeking a candidate. No Democrat is a threat to President Biden. Former President Donald Trump has a commanding lead among Republicans, but a few candidates are still left in...