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The Tale of Two Teachers

The Tale of Two Teachers

At L.A. Matheson, a high school in Surrey, B.C., a poster in Annie Ohana’s classroom suggests society is too moralistic about sex work, the quote coming from an avowed Satanist. National Post writer Jamie Sarkonak described her classroom in this way: “The walls are...

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The COVID Caper Gradually Unravels

The COVID Caper Gradually Unravels

Think back to those grim days of mid-March 2020. Many things did not make sense. There were screams about a new virus but no tests available for anyone to find out if we had the dreaded disease or not. The main question in everyone’s mind was: how can I find out if I...

CBC – A Beacon of Truth?

CBC – A Beacon of Truth?

CBC CEO Catherine Tait says CBC is a “beacon of truth in a sea of fake news”. But not everyone agrees with her. For example, a growing number of Conservative MPs are calling out CBC over what they see as biased coverage of the Israel/Gaza conflict. They complain, for...

New Zealand’s Rejection of Woke

New Zealand’s Rejection of Woke

‘Oppositions don’t win elections, governments lose them’ has long been conventional Westminster wisdom. What is remarkable about Labour’s election defeat is how significantly they lost. It was an historic turnaround from 50 percent support at the 2020 election to just...