Results for "david Redman"

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Canada’s Deadly Response to COVID-19

Canada’s Deadly Response to COVID-19

The foundation for a government-led response to emergencies in Canada is the system of emergency management (EM). Federal and provincial/territorial governments have EM agencies charged with the mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery to all hazards. These EM...

Rethinking Lockdowns

Rethinking Lockdowns

Vaccinations are happening, and lockdowns will finally end. Politicians, and supportive media, will tell us that their lockdown policies saved us. The public will be praised for enduring all of the hardships, including school and business closures, an almost complete...

The Great Myth of Lockdowns

The Great Myth of Lockdowns

In January and February, the Canadian public watched as COVID-19 was announced in China. It spread to Italy, then to Germany, Spain, France, and then to the UK. The media, fascinated by the ratings they were receiving by covering the disease, relentlessly extolled the...