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Rules for party nominations to stop election interference?

Rules for party nominations to stop election interference?

During the current election interference investigations, a concern has been raised that both the Conservative Party nominations and Liberal Party nominations allow non-citizens and underage voters to vote in their nominations. These are not only Permanent Residence, but also Foreign Workers and International Students as young as 14.

4 Years Later

4 Years Later

Has the dust settled? Far from it. It is everywhere. We are choking on it. The storm cloud comes in many forms: inflation, learning losses, ill-health, high crime, non-functioning government services, broken supply chains, shoddy work, displaced workers, substance...

Featured News

Canada’s Fractious Flag Debate of 1964

Canada’s Fractious Flag Debate of 1964

Top left is the new maple leaf flag, next to the Red Ensign, with the Union Jack on the bottom right. In the bottom left corner is the original maple leaf flag proposed by Prime Minister Lester Pearson. Next is a revised version of the same flag, and the third is a...

Carbon Dioxide is a Trace Gas?

Carbon Dioxide is a Trace Gas?

The misplaced idea that carbon dioxide is pollution undergirds the dubious concept of the carbon tax which has been a topic dominating the headlines in Canada for the last week.  The climate change industry holds that rising Co2 is heating the planet and we need to...