Results for "china"

Buy Local is Economic Illiteracy

Buy Local is Economic Illiteracy

In his 1776 seminal work, The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith wrote: “It always is and must be the interest of the great body of the people to buy whatever they want of those who sell it cheapest. The proposition is so very manifest that it seems ridiculous to take any...

Featured News

Manitoba Needs to Up its Mining Game

There is some good news for mining in Manitoba, but the province needs to reform its mining policies for the sector to thrive.  Despite some progress over the years, this province still has a hostile climate for investment and this needs to change.  Vale recently...

It’s Getting Harder to Bring Home the Bacon: C. Larry Pope, CEO of the world’s largest pork producer, explains why food prices are rising and why they are likely to stay high for a long time.

Mr. Pope is the chief executive officer of Smithfield Foods Inc., the world’s largest pork processor and hog producer by volume. He doesn’t mince words when it comes to rapidly rising food prices. The 56-year-old accountant by training has been in the business for more than three decades, and he warns that the higher costs may be here to stay.

Nuclear Panic in the Mass Media

A couple of submissions over at Small Dead Animals caught my attention today about how the media tends to get irrational about potential risks of anything nuclear or related to radiation exposure.

Remember back in the ’50s and early ’60s, when we set off something like 900 atomic bombs in Nevada? And how we just let the fallout blow wherever and it landed all over the eastern
US? And how it wiped out life as we know it and all that was left from Colorado to the Atlantic were six-legged rats battling two-headed cockroaches in the glowing ruins?

and the following tutorial on radiation exposure…

Separating the Battery from the Car

This week’s issue of The Atlantic contains an article outlining the plans of Better Place to roll out a system of swapping batteries in electric cars in Israel and Denmark.  It will be interesting to see how their attempt will fare.

In the past, I have read critics contend that no one will want to participate in the system because of the risk of receiving a faulty battery.  I suppose that is a concern, but on the other hand, there are services that sell you propane with exchangeable tanks instead of requiring the user to own their own tank.  To me, the Better Place business model is just an extension of one that works in the propane sector.