Results for "Residential"

How Smart Meters can Serve Energy Consumers

How Smart Meters can Serve Energy Consumers

There have been few practical measures presented to achieve the lofty goals laid out in the prime minister’s green agenda or the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Gender equality, increased daycare spending, and reduced fossil-fuel usage might make for...

We’ll Always Have Christmas

We’ll Always Have Christmas

Let’s face it, 2020 sucked. It was one of those years that people will remember their whole lives, the kind to judge all others by. The sort of year that, in the future, when your house burns down, your son flunks out of clown college, and your dog dies, you will be...

Featured News

What Is A University Student?

As a result of government and university policies in both the U.S. and Canada, university students are not seen as individuals with records of educational achievement and the potential for both success in higher education and for contributions beyond in the wider...