Results for "Residential"

Your Life under the Green New Deal

Your Life under the Green New Deal

During the cantankerous September 29 presidential “debate,” candidate Joe Biden proclaimed “I am the Democratic Party.” He is in charge, he insisted, and his views will be Democrat policy. Others aren’t so sure – about that, about what his views actually are, or about...

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The Kamloops Graves

“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity, where some people are held liable for things that happened before they were born, while others are not held responsible for things they are themselves doing today?” - Thomas Sowell Canadians reacted with horror to the...

Beware a Pretty Face or Tasty Drink

How much poison would you willingly put on your skin or ingest? If the answer is zero, you might have to make some changes. We may assume our foods, drinks and cosmetics are safe because regulators allowed them. Unfortunately, that may not always be the case....

Raise City Taxes

For years the City of Winnipeg has been complaining about lack of money for road repair and general city maintenance maybe an increase in property taxes would give them the extra money for these needed projects.

The Un-built City

A recent article in this newspaper bemoaned Winnipeggers' lack of pride, and our embarrassment about our city as a place to visit. There is a lot about the city which makes it well worth the visit, and we have, for years, enjoyed showing surprised visitors how large,...

Regulated Gas a Pain for Manitobans

In an effort to shield consumers from fluctuating natural gas prices, the Manitoba Public Utilities Board has inadvertently created a trap for householders that could add as much as $10 million to the gas bills of consumers. For many years, the PUB has focused its...

Revising The Suburbs

Sprawl. It's an ugly word. The term often evokes images that are even uglier: Green space lost to an asphalt desert of strip malls and highways. Citizens trapped in cars and a fast-food lifestyle that leaves them tired, stressed, and overweight. Pollution and global...

Loathing, Lies and Liberation Theology

LA OROYA, Peru--Pitched battles over ideology and public policy certainly are not confined to classrooms or legislative chambers. They are also fought in poor communities of Africa, Asia and Latin America, often pitting multinational corporations against multinational...