Results for "quesnel"

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What do you think of cancelling Bishop Grandin?

What do you think of cancelling Bishop Grandin?

Poll Question: March 22, 2023 to March 28 , 2023 On March 24th Winnipeg City Council voted unanimously to rename streets named after Bishop Vital Justin Grandin for what the CBC reported as “renewed outrage over the lasting harm caused by residential schools.” Bishop...

Chattering Classes Need to Change Their Anti-Energy Tune

Chattering Classes Need to Change Their Anti-Energy Tune

Canada’s chattering classes – who are often more accustomed to playing the sadly ineffectual dovish role – are rushing to prove their outrage over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demonstrate their resolve to make Putin pay. However, these are often the same people...

Lockdowns Damage Vulnerable the Most

Lockdowns Damage Vulnerable the Most

One clear takeaway from the convoy protest is the realization that pandemic restrictions and mandates are not affecting everyone equally. Liberal MP Joel Lightbound’s clever retort of, “Not everyone can still earn a living using their MacBook while at the cottage”...