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The Foundations of Internet Freedom

The Foundations of Internet Freedom

Twelve years ago, I wrote a book called “A Beautiful Anarchy,” which was a celebration of how the internet had evolved until that point in time. It largely operated in a decentralized manner, with businesses thriving within a spontaneous order. The web browser was...

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The Man who Saved the Plains Indians

At the time of Confederation, Canada’s Plains Indians were in a desperate situation. The same European-introduced guns and horses that resulted in a briefly glorious golden age for them had also resulted in constant inter-tribal warfare and the rapid disappearance of...

Micromanaging School Boards is the Wrong Approach

Micromanaging School Boards is the Wrong Approach

Remember Bill 64? Introduced in 2021 by the former Progressive Conservative government, Bill 64 proposed to abolish locally elected school boards. The NDP led the charge against this bill. Current education minister Nello Altomare, then serving as his party’s...

Peace in the Ukraine?

Peace in the Ukraine?

There has been some expression of interest from Russia regarding establishing a peace accord with Ukraine. The prerequisite of the discussions is that Crimea will remain part of Russia, and that the Russian speaking parts of Eastern Ukraine, now occupied by Russia, will formally become part of Russia.

What Really Happened: Lockdown Until Vaccination

What Really Happened: Lockdown Until Vaccination

Four years later, many people are investigating how our lives were completely upended by a pandemic response. Over my time on the case, I’ve heard countless theories. It was Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Finance, the Green New Deal, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),...