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Students Deserve Action, Not More Excuses

Students Deserve Action, Not More Excuses

Student academic achievement is heading downhill in every single province in Canada. That’s what the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report shows. Over the last twenty years, there has been a steady decline in the math, reading, and...

Featured News

Buy Local is Economic Illiteracy

In his 1776 seminal work, The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith wrote: “It always is and must be the interest of the great body of the people to buy whatever they want of those who sell it cheapest. The proposition is so very manifest that it seems ridiculous to take any...

India: A Growing Market for Alberta

India: A Growing Market for Alberta

Asia is a significant continent for the economic interests of Canada and its Prairie Provinces. India is among the most powerful countries in this region of the world and can be an asset for the Prairie Provinces as a future market. If economic relations can be...

Coronal Mass Ejection Warning

Coronal Mass Ejection Warning

You have heard of preparations for blizzards, tornadoes and hurricanes, but have you ever heard of preparing for a solar storm? A severe coronal mass ejection (CME) could make life in the 21st century look like the worst of the 19th, causing a disruption few will be...

Toxic Masculinity—A Public Health Crisis

Toxic Masculinity—A Public Health Crisis

Students at Western University walked out of class on September 17 to protest a "culture of misogyny".  This following a series of sexual assault allegations made on social media of mass drugging and sexual assaults at the Medway-Sydenham Hall residence on campus...