Year: 2002

Underfunding: a short history of a word

Look up references to “underfunding,” and a curious trend emerges. They are almost never made by the users of public services: parents, patients and so on. Rather, in almost every case it is their employees, or more particularly public sector union leaders, who use the term

Featured News

*U.S. Farm Bill Cultivates A Crop of Grief*

The [new US] farm bill is so over-the-top that even some members of the Senate — a body that rarely shows enthusiasm for reining-in government expenditures — are showing signs of embarrassment. Senator John McCain called the legislation “an appalling breach of federal spending responsibility.”

Refining School Choice

The most biting criticism directed at opponents of our health-care monopoly points to the danger of establishing a “two-tier” medical system, a superior one for the rich and an inferior one for the poor.