Year: 2006

Expanding the Trades

Manitoba’s school system overemphasizes university entrance, and the result is huge drop-out rates in universities and a shortage of skilled tradesmen. The German system of apprenticeship works better.

Raise City Taxes

For years the City of Winnipeg has been complaining about lack of money for road repair and general city maintenance maybe an increase in property taxes would give them the extra money for these needed projects.

Featured News

Trust is the Foundation of Authority

The heartbreaking death of Nathanael Spitzer, the cancer-stricken boy from Ponoka, exposed a most callous streak in Alberta’s medical bureaucracy. There is no forgiving how Alberta Health Services appallingly used a child’s death to promote yet more COVID-19 fear. ...

Subsidies at Root of Farm-Income Crisis

Subsidies at Root of Farm-Income Crisis

In the last nineteen years, OECD countries transferred a combined $US 4.79 trillion in subsidies to farmers. These payments have distorted incentives to growers and encouraged them to produce more than they otherwise would or produce what they otherwise wouldn’t.

Revising The Suburbs

Sprawl. It's an ugly word. The term often evokes images that are even uglier: Green space lost to an asphalt desert of strip malls and highways. Citizens trapped in cars and a fast-food lifestyle that leaves them tired, stressed, and overweight. Pollution and global...