Year: 2007

Continuing the Green Revolution

Persistent poverty and environmental degradation in developing countries, changing global climatic patterns, and the use of food crops to produce biofuels, all pose new and unprecedented risks and opportunities for global agriculture in the years ahead. Agricultural...

Featured News

Let’s Deregulate Taxis

The economics of Winnnipeg’s taxicab industry have been severely distorted by barriers to entry and price controls. American cities like Indianapolis and countries like Sweden and Ireland have solved similar problems by deregulating.

$4B Boom Just Tip of Iceberg

Manitoba is in the middle of a $4-billion construction boom and that is likely only the tip of the iceberg. Another $6 billion has been committed to upgrading roads and bridges in the city and across the province over the next 10 years and Manitoba Hydro has said it...

Toxic Statistics

You have to hand it to Junk Science maestro Rick Smith and his lobby group, Environmental Defence. Persuading Rona Ambrose - who was yesterday relieved of her Environment portfolio – and Health Minister Tony Clement to donate body fluids for chemical analysis was a...