Year: 2008

Government Investment in Private Enterprises – Report

The public policy purpose of government ownership of a commercial natural monopoly in the early stages of a jurisdiction?s economic development is to ensure that safe, reliable, cost-effective economic infrastructure services are made available to all citizens and businesses. Once the infrastructure is in place, and the original public policy purpose is presumably achieved, then citizens can and should determine whether government ownership continues to serve a continuing public purpose.

Featured News

What Exactly Does ‘Climate Justice’ Mean?

It seems like everything is about justice these days. Recently, as I drove home from the store, I saw a sign for the elections here in New York from the local Democratic Party, promising “equity, equality, and justice for all.” Beyond the obvious concerns any sane...

We are Finding the 2800 Missing Children

The “secret graves” and “missing children” narrative had our national flag flying at half-mast for over five months after an obscure indigenous politician made the startling claim that she “knew” that 215 indigenous children had been secretly buried in the “apple...

Free Trade in Food?

Quebec’s cows are a powerful bunch. Unlike the rest of us, when they go “meuh ” (that’s French for “moo”), they get noticed. It’s easy to understand why Quebeckers like supply management. They’ve milked the most out of it.

Lawrence Solomon

Lawrence Solomon

Lawrence Solomon is the author of The Deniers: The World Renowned Scientists Who Stood Up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution, and Fraud**And those who are too fearful to do so. He is Energy Probe’s executive director, a columnist with National Post and a past columnist with the Globe and Mail.

Regina Cozying Up to Business

Still, it’s clear Premier Wall is trying to carefully inch his province away from the reflex to nationalize everything under the Living Skies. In the old days, Saskatchewanians would take for granted that new power facilities would naturally get built by Sask-Power, says David Seymour, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy’s Saskatchewan analyst.

Sheldon Schwartz Interview

Sheldon Schwartz Interview

Sheldon Schwartz worked for the Province of Saskatchewan during a career spanning 25 years, including as Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance, responsible for Saskatchewan’s treasury and debt management functions and as the Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Finance and Administration for Crown Investments Corporation, the Province’s holding company for its commercial Crown corporations.

Robert Fulford

“I think that the Canadian artists at least, for example, the film makers have been too pliant in their attitude to government. They’ve been so anxious to get money out of the government that they’ve put up with an incredibly complex, multi-leveled system of grants that turns every film producer in our country into a government lobbyist.”

Politics Of Provincial Selfishness Hurts Canada

Every federal state in the world has national wealth redistribution similar to our equalization and federal transfers to provinces for social and economic programs — including and most particularly, the United States. Wealth redistribution isn’t nation-building, they say. It’s welfare. Recipient provinces should be shamed and disgraced into pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps.