Year: 2008

Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts

The Canada West Foundation (CWF) has canvassed 25 leading economists from the four westernmost provinces and created a report called Taking Action on the Economy, a compendium of thoughts on the right way for the federal government to design an economic stimulus...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Let Detroit Face The Music

A bailout would only buy time, allowing Detroit to make it to the next bailout, with government running the show in an increasingly distorted and regulated market. A bankruptcy process should install a permanent reorganization, with the companies (or whatever combination emerges) still part of a viable auto industry operating in a genuine market.

The Case for Selling Public Housing in Manitoba

The Manitoba government should sell its residential real estate holdings to the private sector and then concentrate on providing targeted subsidies to low-income Manitobans, this according to a new backgrounder from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. The report, from Frontier research associate Dan Klymchuk, shows how $25 million could be shaved off annual operating costs now paid by the provincial government, and instead redirected to those Manitobans in need of subsidized shelter. That $25 million could help subsidize 21,000 more people with their housing costs.

Go-Ahead For Urban Sprawl

The Victorian Government has all but given up on a long-standing pledge to contain Melbourne’s urban sprawl, announcing another big expansion of the metropolitan boundary for new housing. Six years after setting a “clear boundary” for the city in the Melbourne 2030 policy, the Government has succumbed to a booming population, a housing shortage and resistance to high-density development in established suburbs.