Year: 2008

Dysfunctional Democracy On Reserves

When First Nations push for enhanced powers of self-government they need to push for the bastions of good governance too — transparency, accountability and a strict electoral protocol. Until that happens I will not vote in a reserve election. Until the requirements for chieftainship are held to a higher covenant than how many people you know or can influence, I will not vote.

Better Roads = Lower Greenhouse Gases

Upgrading the Perimeter Highway to free-flowing conditions has demonstrated environmental benefits, cost and travel time benefits for the users and improved public safety. It is time for the Government to get serious about smart green policies that show concrete benefits to Manitobans beyond simple emissions reductions.

Featured News

Too “Complex”?

The problem is not that supply and demand is such a complex explanation. The problem is that supply and demand is not an emotionally satisfying explanation. For that, you need melodrama, heroes and villains.

Why Fume? Gasoline Remains A Bargain

The rising price of gasoline irks people intensely but so far hasn’t hurt them significantly. In fact, of course, people are getting the energy equivalent of two tanks of gas every time they fill up. It’s like paying twice as much as you want to pay for a carton of eggs – but getting 24 of them in every dozen.