Year: 2008

Let Detroit Face The Music

A bailout would only buy time, allowing Detroit to make it to the next bailout, with government running the show in an increasingly distorted and regulated market. A bankruptcy process should install a permanent reorganization, with the companies (or whatever combination emerges) still part of a viable auto industry operating in a genuine market.

The Case for Selling Public Housing in Manitoba

The Manitoba government should sell its residential real estate holdings to the private sector and then concentrate on providing targeted subsidies to low-income Manitobans, this according to a new backgrounder from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. The report, from Frontier research associate Dan Klymchuk, shows how $25 million could be shaved off annual operating costs now paid by the provincial government, and instead redirected to those Manitobans in need of subsidized shelter. That $25 million could help subsidize 21,000 more people with their housing costs.

Featured News

Canada’s Wheat Cult

The CWB has become as much an economic cult as a Crown marketing agency. So it is never going to admit it is a drag on farmers or the West. But at some point taxpayers have to wake up to the fact that they are subsidizing Western farmers to the tune of $1-billion or more a year and they wouldn’t have to if the federal government would simply make marketing grain through the board optional, rather than compulsory.

Dirty Oil And Journalism

Journalism hysteria, a deadly disease, has begun to infect the reports on Alberta’s oilsands with the same inflammatory bias and misleading prejudice one sees in the slanted reports on climate change and politics. The oil is not dirty, journalism just makes it seem so.

Avoiding the 1930s

Nothing is sacred. In times of a world war or a Great Depression, balanced budgets at any cost would be undesirable. But the Conservative defense of deficits is, as of now, indefensible.

Settling Old Debts

Despite the recent establishment of a tribunal for settling specific claims, Canada still requires an expedited process that moves towards a final filing deadline for all specific land claims.