Year: 2010

Featured News

America’s Power System Is Powerless

“America is a beacon of capitalism, so it can be jarring to discover one of its largest industries is a redoubt of socialism. State governments have been running the electricity business, currently a $330-billion-a-year industry, since Theodore Roosevelt pounded his White House bully pulpit.”

Control of Climate Policies by Unaccountable Bureaucracies: The Canadian Example

“CanadaFreePress published some of this article a few years ago but few saw it because it was quickly pulled after I received a legal threat I was financially unable to fight. Legal threats to silence people are a common practice of supporters of human caused global warming. I related my experience to Dr Fred Singer and he immediately named the lawyer. How did he know? He and others had received threats from the same lawyer. “

Climate conference organizers asked for trouble in Copenhagen

“While activists had finally succeeded in getting most politicians to sing from the same song sheet – the Earth supposedly stands on the brink of a man-made climate catastrophe, leaders recited one after another at the United Nations climate conference in December – environmental groups have totally failed to convince governments to take actions that are even remotely commensurate with the alleged threat. “

Taking the Wind Out of Energy

“Fiscal spending on green energy has created a financial deficit in the power industry as a whole, forcing the government to cut back 30 percent of handouts to the solar energy producers. Thousands of jobs have been lost—part of the country’s painful 19 percent unemployment rate. “