Year: 2011

Kyoto Fraud Revealed

Over the years, some of the Kyoto fairy dust had begun to wear off. Global greenhouse emissions did not in fact appear to be declining very much. Many of the EU cuts were accounting tricks; counting the closure of inefficient, money-losing industrial dinosaurs in East Germany that were doomed to close anyway towards Germany’s greenhouse targets was a fairly typical example.

For the Record

We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

Featured News

New Voluntary Wheat Board May Struggle

The federal government is about to abolish compulsory membership in the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). However, there are good reasons to doubt that a voluntary board will succeed. Farmers who chose not to take part in the board will likely be better off, like their counterparts in the rest of the world that do not operate under a wheat marketing board.

US Postal Service Cuts

Wow, the US Post system is catching up to Canada's slow standards. In the new world of Internet systems, all post systems need to catch up to reality.  They are no longer in the letter business. A good first start is to eliminate home delivery of mail and replace it...