Year: 2012

Alberta PCs Plan Overhaul of Election Finance Law

Tom Flanagan, the University of Calgary professor who has worked for Wildrose and the federal Conservatives, has called Alberta’s election finance law “embarrassing … the fiscal foundation of the one-party system.” The Frontier Centre of Public Policy argued for more transparency. The Parkland Institute wants the donation limit slashed to something like the federal limit of about $1,100.

Don’t Throw Resources Under the Bus: Energy is our best bet

Investing in Canada’s energy sector is crucial and practical for the country’s economic well-being. While the country has experienced serious setbacks in manufacturing and forestry, Western Canadian service companies are making technological breakthroughs such as coiled tubing rigs and hydraulic fracturing of tight oil and gas reservoirs. However, popular opinion is being tilted by groups in BC against new pipeline capacity.

Strengthening Fiscal Responsibility Through Decentralization: Empower local voters to increase government accountability and efficiency

The constitution allocates responsibility over most policy areas exclusively to the provinces or the federal government. But the federal government routinely oversteps its bounds. To create more accountable, more efficient government, the federal government should step back and allow the provinces and municipalities to fund and deliver the services that they are responsible for.

Featured News

No Evidence of Climate Crisis

In his annual State of the Climate report published on April 14, 2022, Dr. Ole Humlum, Emeritus Professor at the University of Oslo, examined detailed patterns in temperature changes in the atmosphere and oceans together with trends in climate impacts. Many of these...

“Stopping global warming” had no place in Presidential debate

Logic defeats the climate scare

Sometimes logic trumps even the loudest voices. That is what happened on Wednesday night when climate change and greenhouse gas emission reduction were completely missing from the first Presidential debate.

Nine climate activist groups—the League of Conservation Voters, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Sierra Club, the National Wildlife Federation, The Climate Reality Project,,, iMatter Campaign and Moms Clean Air Force—delivered petitions with over 160,000 signatures to the office of debate moderator PBS newsman Jim Lehrer urging him to ask the candidates about climate change. For weeks, main stream media have been pushing climate change, asserting that President Obama and Governor Romney must address this, “the most crucial issue of our time.”

But they did not, and Lehr completely ignored the topic as well.

It appears that Obama, Romney and Lehr all instinctively understood that, in comparison with the nation’s pressing issues, discussions about “stopping global warming” were not worth even a single minute of air time.

Reason for cautious optimism on Canadian air travel prices

The first step to addressing a problem is acknowledging that it exists. For those of us who are concerned about air travel prices in Canada, hearing Jim Flaherty admit that there is a problem was welcome news. But Flaherty didn’t just acknowledge that it is a problem — he also mentioned that Minister of Transportation Denis Lebel is working with airlines and airport authorities to come up with a solution.

Treasury Yields Forecast a US Future: Similar to Japan’s present, but Spain’s is more likely

This backgrounder offers an analysis of recent conditions in interest rates and bond markets among industrial states. Notwithstanding the United States’ current economic woes, the paper concludes that while it is positively the best major market in comparison to almost all others, it risks of drifting into Spain-like conditions without an active set of policies to redress its debt burden.