Year: 2012

The Father of Managed Competition

The beauty of this system is that it puts cost cutting pressure on the vast layers of middle managers and supervisors that are a fixture of the traditionally rule bound, bureaucratic and process-oriented government systems we still see mostly everywhere in the public sector, cities no exception.

Featured News

Demand Fairness from Ottawa and Edmonton

A few weeks ago, Albertans voted to reduce the inequities in the federal equalization program. The deficit between the dollars that leave to and come back from Ottawa has recently been as high as $27 billion in one year. During times of crisis, it feels like salt in...

School Lunches Update

Following my post on Tuesday about school lunches in New Zealand, the TV show who did the initial clip have done a follow up video on how easy it is to make a cheap and healthy lunch for kids.

Prediction Markets and Climate Change Policy

Prediction markets may also be able to help policymakers make better decisions. One policy area where they may prove especially useful is environmental policymaking in response to climate change. Given the highly technical nature of the complicated scientific questions that lie at the hart of the policy questions surrounding climate change, and the fact that these questions have become highly politicized, new sources of objective information about the likelihood of accelerating global warming in the years ahead would be extremely valuable.

We Need Private Health Care

The 2010 edition of the Euro-Canada Health Consumer Index 2010, from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and Sweden-based Health Consumer Powerhouse, found that, despite the fourth highest per-capita spending, Canadian health care ranks 25th compared with 33 European countries, every one of which features a mixture of public and private spending.