Year: 2012

Belgian Vote Reflects Tensions Over Unity

Equalization policies now intensify calls for separatism in Belgium. Political tensions run high in Belgium, a federal state consisting of Dutch-speaking Flanders, French-speaking Wallonia and the bilingual Brussels-capital region. The previous general election, in 2010, led to an 18-month political crisis before a government was formed.

Featured News

Road Safety

There are times where traffic cameras have merit.,0,4422915.story The bicyclist was zipping south on Castro Street at the end of his twice-weekly ride to the Marin Headlands, blowing through red lights and stop...

Spoilt West Invites Its Own Decline

It is easy and natural to think of the woes of the West’s main powers as an economic problem. Because that’s the way it is presented to us. And it is economic – at least, superficially. But if you take a step back, what we’re really living through is the decline of the West.

Euro-Zone Lessons for Canada

Unless Canadians get a handle on the provinces’ runaway spending, their growing mountain of debt, and the resulting tidal wave of interest charges, we can expect lots more home-grown social unrest, as have-not provincial governments fall short of voters’ outsized expectations.

Speak Out Against Ridiculous Tax Hike

The amount of money you have for groceries, your mortgage payment and putting clothes on your kids is under attack. Again. The Manitoba Federation of Labour and the Manitoba Business Council (represents many CEOs of the largest businesses in Manitoba) want you to pay an 8% sales tax on everything you buy instead of the current rate of seven.

Some Inconvenient Facts About Equalization

To grasp why Canada’s equalization program is such a public policy disaster, some myths need to be busted about the $14.8-billion annual transfer of federal tax dollars to the provinces through equalization — and the $46-billion in other inter-governmental transfers. So, let’s some consider some inconvenient facts.

Getting Us Out of the Welfare Trap

The stated goal of Canada’s equalization program is to ensure that Canadians, regardless of their province of residence, have access to public services that are reasonably comparable, at reasonably comparable levels of taxation. This year, the program will distribute over $15-billion to the relatively poorer provinces (typically known as “have-not” provinces in equalization-speak).