Year: 2012

Man Made Global Warming Disproved

It takes only one experiment to disprove a theory. The climate models are predicting a global disaster, but the empirical evidence disagrees. The theory of catastrophic man-made global warming has been tested from many independent angles.

Featured News

Higher Prices, Less Choices; Let’s Reject Cartels

Imagine you and your business partners tried to corner the Canadian market for light bulbs. You conspired to control production and divvy up the market to inflate prices. Cartels like this are illegal in Canada. And there are tough criminal penalties if you’re caught – fines of up to $25-million and 14 years in jail under the Competition Act.

Cigarette-smuggling: The urge to smurf

THE busy interstate highway that zips through Richmond, Virginia, and up to the crowded cities of the north-east has long been a conduit for handguns bought wholesale in Virginia and sold to drug-dealers in New York. Now I-95 is siphoning northwards another form of contraband: black-market cigarettes.

New York Times’ Krugman off-base on GOP’s climate stance

Paul Krugman tells us in his Nov 22 OpEd “Gand Old Planet” that the Republican Party denies science, or, in Krugman’s words, they use the approach:

“If evidence seems to contradict faith, suppress the evidence.”

But one of the primary examples he uses to bolster his stance is so childish as to be laughable. Indeed, it demonstrates that Krugman, a professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University, is totally out of his depth commenting about the state of modern climate science.

A “Pinko Commie” Former Toronto City Councilor Talking Sense On Taxes

Those of you who follow municipal politics may recall hearing of Adam Giambrone. Giambrone is a former chair of the Toronto Transit Commission, and former mayoral candidate. While his campaign was derailed by some relatively minor personal issues, he is still seen as a young, up and comer in Toronto’s political community. But Giambrone has penned a recent article that should remind us all that people who are derided as “pinko commies” sometimes have good ideas about economic policies.

Can Goldman Sachs help the homeless?

A few blocks from where I work, there’s a guy who lives on a sidewalk in the Financial District. That guy is incredibly expensive. For the amount we pay in social services to keep him alive, he could practically move into the Ritz. The yearly cost of caring for a homeless person with substance abuse and mental issues (that is, most of them) ranges from $55,000 up to $134,000, according to various research studies.