Year: 2013

No Skin in the Game

The NDP government has and is pressuring (if not bullying) Manitoba Hydro into pursuing a massive $20-billion plus expansion of its transmission and hydro-electric generation infrastructure, a plan based on the premise of profitable sales of excess power to American...

Densification Policy Hurts the Poor

The majority of the world’s population now live in cities. People leave poor rural areas hoping for a better life with more economic possibilities in urban areas. The most successful cities are able to handle population growth and naturally expand their physical size....

Royal Mail Shares Soar

Paul Hannon and Alex Macdonald, Wall Street Journal, October 11, 2013   Shares of U.K. postal service  Royal Mail PLC  RMG.LN -2.20%     soared on their first day of trading, rising 38% above the government's original offer price and...

Featured News

Towards a First Nations Education Act

The federal government has begun intensive consultations in preparing a First Nations Education Act. Right now, the Indian Act is silent on educational standards, or even any kind of educational system for that matter. The federal government aims to fill that gap by...

Even The New York Times Has Chilled On Global Warming. Someone Please Tell Obama

As the president demonstrated once again during his “climate action plan” address in Georgetown, he is not someone ever to allow facts to stand in the way of ideology and green lobby cronyism. The familiar take-away line is that even more regulation is essential to bludgeon energy producers and consumers to abandon climate-ravaging fossil fuels in favor of heavily taxpayer-subsidized “alternatives”.

It’s Time To Sequester Green Energy Subsidies, Not Mythical Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

One of the big applause lines in President Obama’s recent Georgetown “climate action plan” pitch declaring an all-out EPA war on coal and it’s fossil cousins said: “And because billions of your tax dollars continue to still subsidize some of the most profitable corporations in the history of the world, my budget once again calls for Congress to end the tax breaks for big oil companies, and invest in the clean-energy companies that will fuel our future.” This is hardly a new strategy theme.

It Is Capitalism, Not Democracy, That the Arab World Needs Most: Property rights for aid: this could be the most effective anti-poverty strategy in history

To watch events in Egypt is like seeing a videotape of the Arab Spring being played backwards. The ballot box has been kicked away, the constitution torn up, the military has announced the name of a puppet president – and crowds assemble in Tahrir Square to go wild with joy. The Saudi Arabian monarchy, which was so nervous two years ago, has telegrammed its congratulations to Cairo’s generals. To the delight of autocrats everywhere, Egypt’s brief experiment with democracy seems to have ended in embarrassing failure.

Mergers of RMs Ignorant

Among independent researchers who study local-government finance, however, the idea that forced mergers magically create efficiency is about as popular as climate-change denial is for climatologists. The financial consequences of this simplistic policy usually follow a predictable pattern, no matter how large or small the unwilling partners involved.