Year: 2013

Zombie Democracy

The competitive economic gap that existed between Manitoba and its western neighbours at the time of the last provincial election (2011)has grown further, and, just as worrisome, the democracy gap is growing as well.

Featured News

Obama’s Path Toward Energy Poverty: Shoddy science backs damaging policies

In his recent inaugural address, President Barack Obama promoted the use of the least reliable and most expensive sources of energy: wind and solar power. He notes that the transition to these energy sources would be difficult, but he also presented the move as having economic benefits that would support the country’s energy independence. In reality, such a transition would ruin the country’s economy.

Renowned journal Science endorses Keystone pipeline

Opponents of the Keystone pipeline often seem to assume that stopping the project would do something it simply will not: stop oil sands development in Alberta. Fortunately, Science, one of the most respected scientific journals on earth, published an article that put...

Desperately trying to derail Canadian oil sands: Radical activists launch more attacks on oil sands, Keystone pipeline, jobs and revenues

The Alberta-to-Texas pipeline would create more than 5,500 Nebraska jobs during its construction period and support 1,000 permanent jobs through 2030. During the project’s lifetime, KXL would generate $950 million in labor income, $130 million in property, sales and other state and local taxes, and $679 million for the state’s gross domestic product, by bringing Canadian oil sands petroleum to Texas refineries.

Beware snap judgments on U.N. climate conferences’ successes or failures – it is more complicated than most people think

The most realistic assessment to appear in main stream media was that published about a week after the conference ended, written by Connie Hedegaard, European commissioner for climate action in the European Commission. She told climate campaigners:

“Yes progress was slow and frustrating, but the main goal was to prepare the ground for the big 2015 talks. Job done.”