Year: 2014

Featured News

Local, Smaller Governments More Financially Stable

With debts of more than $18 Billion, the city of Detroit was declared bankrupt last year, but it's not the largest American city to ever face such a crisis. New York filed for bankruptcy in 1975 but the process was stopped at the last-minute. Detroit is also not alone...

Buying Local is Not for Everyone

The idea of “buying local” is becoming increasingly popular among Canadians. Purchasing food from a local farmer or a product from a small business is often more gratifying than lining up at a large franchise.  Sometimes local products are preferred to imports,...

Recognizing the many roles of dads

Canadian judges are very powerful. In fact, our constitution gives judges power over all branches of government. And, they take pride in rooting out perceived inequality pursuant to s. 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Ironically, though, the courts themselves...