Year: 2015

Compensation of First Nations Leaders

Compensation of First Nations Leaders

Due to passage of the First Nations Financial Transparency Act, systematic data about the compensation of chiefs and councillors are now available. Multiple regression analysis identifies three variables that explain part of the variation in pay: More populous First...

A Question of Values

A Question of Values

House prices in Canada have risen more than in most other high-income nations. Housing has become severely unaffordable, especially in Vancouver and Toronto. Housing affordability has also deteriorated markedly in London, Sydney, Auckland, San Francisco, Los Angeles...

Trudeau II

In his concession speech on election night, Stephen Harper said, “While tonight’s result is certainly not the one we had hoped for, the people are never wrong.” This statement is clearly a cornerstone of a democracy. However, although the people are...

Featured News

Derail interswitching policies

Forcing rail carriers to ship a competitor’s cars harms profitability and distorts the investment market The winter before last, Canadians endured their coldest-ever winter. On the rail lines, deliveries were slowed significantly, creating a backlog of grain and...

Putting Students Last in Ontario

There are some things money can buy, but when there’s no money to go around, something has to give. In Ontario’s education sector, there isn’t enough money to go around anymore, and unions clearly aren’t happy. How did we get here? After years...