Profile Series: Caralyn Rabichuk

For Métis entrepreneur Caralyn Rabichuk, 39, the secret to success in her Winnipeg-based business – Covert Logistics – has been the hard work and dedication she and her husband Robert […]
Published on March 31, 2018

For Métis entrepreneur Caralyn Rabichuk, 39, the secret to success in her Winnipeg-based business – Covert Logistics – has been the hard work and dedication she and her husband Robert have placed in their logistics and transportation solutions company.

“People we work with call us the power couple,” she said with a laugh, in a telephone interview.

Rabichuk and her husband are a business team that started Covert Logistics from a little one-truck basement business in North Kildonan to a multi-million-dollar business with over 100 pieces of equipment now.

Rabichuk she grew up in a typical middle class family in the Transcona region of Winnipeg. Although she was aware that her mother’s side had Métis ancestry, it was not something really discussed in the family.

View the entire Profile here: Profiles – Rabichuk – 3

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