Profile Series: Reanna Aguino

Reanna Aguino, 38, is the quintessential Indigenous business leader, having started as a secretary/treasurer for Tsay Professional Services Inc. and is now the president of the company. Aguino is a […]
Published on August 11, 2018

Reanna Aguino, 38, is the quintessential Indigenous business leader, having started as a secretary/treasurer for Tsay Professional Services Inc. and is now the president of the company. Aguino is a tribal member of Ohkay

Owingeh, a Pueblo Indigenous community in New Mexico. There are 3,000 enrolled tribal members, with 2,000 still living in New Mexico. About 1,000 tribal members reside elsewhere.

Ohkay Owingeh is located just north of Sante Fe, New Mexico, the state’s capital city. There are 19 Pueblo communities across New Mexico.

Ohkay Owingeh has diversified well beyond its traditional casino and hotel developments. Tsay Corporation is now the development company for the tribal community. Recently, the company decided to move into federal contracting as a way to survive after gaming did not take the community to where it needed to be.

Read the entire PDF here: Profiles – Reanna Aguino – 2

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