Year: 2018

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” (Martin Luther King, Jr.) That white, female teachers make up the bulk of the K-12 teaching...

But What Will Take Its Place?

But What Will Take Its Place?

In high school and college, I competed in debate tournaments across the state and country. I clearly remember many occasions when a debate team’s plan would include abolishing some government program. Inevitably, the opponents would ask, “What will you replace it...

Frontier Centre For Public Policy

Frontier Centre For Public Policy

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is an independent, non-profit organization that undertakes research and education in support of economic growth and social outcomes that will enhance the quality of life in our communities. Through a variety of publications and...

Featured News

No Faith in Media?

No Faith in Media?

You’ve heard of stage diving and you’ve heard of photo bombing…but Faith Goldy just pulled a new one: stage storming. “Good morning, sorry to interrupt, I must have missed my invitation in the mail,” she said, having taken a debate stage to which she was not invited....

The Scorecard of Socialist Revolutions

The Scorecard of Socialist Revolutions

Nineteen years ago, ex-general Hugo Chavez came into power in Venezuela, vowing that a “Bolivarian Revolution” based on communist principles would improve the lives of his people. Today millions of Venezuelans are fleeing their homes looking for food, medicine, or...

Profile Series: Lee Timutimu

Profile Series: Lee Timutimu

Lee Timutimu, 43, is leading the ideal life of an Indigenous entrepreneur by combining his love for Māori storytelling with his experience in information technology (IT) into a successful business. Timutimu is the founder and CEO of Arataki Cultural Trails, an IT firm...

Kinsey’s Pseudo-Science

Kinsey’s Pseudo-Science

TV personality Phil Donahue once said, “Kinsey was to sexuality what Freud was to psychiatry, what Madame Curie was to radiation, what Einstein was to physics.”[1] Alfred Kinsey was the primary person to turn western society from one that adhered to Christian sexual...

A Price on Pickup

A Price on Pickup

The City of Winnipeg did not choose the lowest bid cost for garbage pickup in 2017.   The extra cost to Winnipeg taxpayers will be $16 million or approximately an extra 3 to 4 % on the average homeowner property tax bills.   Explained in this new short video from...