Year: 2018

Featured News

Big Tech Influence Can Tip Elections

Behavioural psychologist Robert Epstein believes Google can and does influence voters and that research teams in Canada and elsewhere need to monitor how users are being swayed. Epstein, the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and founder of the American...

The Gandharan Golden Age

The Gandharan Golden Age

Ancient Gandhara was a fabulous land where many different cultures and religions mixed and flourished. It was located in what is now northern Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan. Persian, Greek, Scythian, Mauryan, and many other peoples influenced the civilization,...

The Dumbing-Down of Public Symbology

The Dumbing-Down of Public Symbology

When I was a younger man, back when Lester Pearson was Prime Minister and Pluto was still a planet, I attended the University of Saskatchewan. It had a very simple coat of arms: three wheat sheaves and an open book whose pages displayed the motto “Deo et Patriae”  --...

The Right To Defend

The Right To Defend

Two recent cases have shone a spotlight on the very limited right that Canadians now have to defend themselves and their property. They are the Gerald Stanley case from Saskatchewan, and the recent Khil case in Ontario. In both cases property owners shot men who had...

The recent controversies over tearing down the statues of Canadian heroes because some of their actions have offended our modern sensibilities needs some historical context.  No one, no matter how revered, ever lived without flaws. Louis Riel, lauded for the founding...

Rejecting Carbon Colonialism

Rejecting Carbon Colonialism

We recently explained how Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) use manmade climate change alarmism to justify lending policies that reject funding for fossil fuel electricity generation, promote expensive and unreliable renewable sources, and thereby help keep...

King Charles III?

King Charles III?

This royal wedding may be the last one that is watched with so much interest by so many Canadians. Recent polls reveal that most of us are not enthusiastic about the prospect of a King Charles III as our head of state, and the much loved Queen Elizabeth II is now in...