Year: 2018

Indigenous Affairs, A Broken System

Indigenous Affairs, A Broken System

"Indigenous Affairs is not like most government departments. Most government departments provide one service to all Canadians. However, Indigenous Affairs provides all services to an individual group of Canadians. Indigenous Affairs has jurisdiction over 90% of...

Louis Riel

Louis Riel

One of Canada’s best known historic heroes has taken quite a shellacking lately. John A. Macdonald’s statue was removed from a place of prominence in Victoria by order of its city council, and there have been calls elsewhere for buildings that honour his memory to be...

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Profile Series: Kawana Wallace

Kawana Wallace, 27, is an Indigenous entrepreneur who has been able to harness his technical skills to revitalize the Māori language. Wallace is a co-founder and CEO of my Reo Studios, a New Zealand-based software company providing bilingual (English and Māori)...

Featured News

Two Cheers for Charles III

Two Cheers for Charles III

The recent marriage of Prince Henry to an American divorcée and the declining vigour of our sovereign majesty Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God Queen of this Realm and of Her Other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, has led some...

Overreach Opportunities

Overreach Opportunities

The Government of Canada initiated a new ideological vetting of applicants for its summer job program for students. The organizations nominating students for summer grants, and the students and their parents, must declare that they conform to Government of Canada...