Year: 2018

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Winnipeg’s Canadian Museum for Human Rights is commemorating Nelson Mandela’s long struggle against the white South African apartheid regime. Mr. Mandela, who died in 2013 at age 95, was imprisoned for 27 years because of his defiance of the regime, and his...

Airplane Safety and Alcohol

Airplane Safety and Alcohol

Ever since Wilbur and Orville Wright proved that heavier than air machines could indeed fly, safety has been the first priority when it comes to air travel. Engines and chassis are inspected and re-inspected. It only makes sense that if some gizmo in your car engine...

Featured News

The Arkhipov Calm

The Arkhipov Calm

Where would we be without Vasili Arkhipov? In fact, would we be here at all? Who is Vasili Arkhipov you may ask? Before I get to that, let me talk for a minute about the nuclear world we now live in. There are currently so many nuclear weapons on our small planet that...

Profile Series: Reginald Bellerose

Profile Series: Reginald Bellerose

To Chief Reginald Bellerose, 49, of Muskowekwan First Nation in southern Saskatchewan , the wave of the future belongs to Indigenous entrepreneurship. “Our entrepreneurial spirit has been dormant. We must re-ignite that spirit,” said Bellerose, the 13-year chief of...

It used to be that one of the most important hallmarks of a strong democracy was its protection of free speech. Unfortunately, Canada seems to be following the lead of those who would rather silence opinion that’s not considered  sufficiently “progressive”.

Official Racism in Our Universities

Official Racism in Our Universities

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr.[1] History is replete with people being treated according to their...