Year: 2018

Profile Series: Jessica Mehta

Profile Series: Jessica Mehta

For Jessica Mehta, 36, an ambitious and intelligent Cherokee entrepreneur from Oregon, the key to business success is to “do it with a mindset of service.” “If you look at any large successful enterprise, you will see that is at the center,” she said, in a phone...

Smart Grids

Smart Grids

Our present electrical system consists of power-producing plants (coal, natural gas, oil, solar, wind, nuclear, and hydro) and consumers of electricity (houses, schools, commercial buildings, and industrial plants). The producing plants generate electricity based upon...

Featured News

How ESG Standards Favor Toxic Petrostates

Coercion and vandalism have become commonplace tactics to force insurers off mining and oil development projects throughout the world. Ironically, that clears the way for companies with deep pockets and petrostates whose goal is geopolitical supremacy, not...

The Tale of Four Women

The Tale of Four Women

The recent election win of Donald Trump is now changing the political world in Canada. To his critics, he is the worst of everything a human being can be. His detractors call him names that have been considered extreme, even for a President as divisive as Richard...

A Valuation of Toronto Hydro

A Valuation of Toronto Hydro

Keeping Toronto Hydro or having an additional 15,000 teachers, nurses, or paramedics? This is a choice Toronto citizens may welcome if the asset were sold. There are two generally accepted methods for valuing a company: its intrinsic value as a cash-generating...

SaskPower:  Paying The Way For Innovation

SaskPower: Paying The Way For Innovation

Summary SaskPower is a crown corporation established in 1929. With a staff strength of approximately 3200 permanent, full time employees, SaskPower supports growth and improvement of quality of life of nearly 528,000 customers spread across 652,000 square kilometres.1...

Profile Series: Brad MacMillan

Profile Series: Brad MacMillan

For Indigenous entrepreneur Brad MacMillan, 45, growing up with some of the worst parts of a New Brunswick First Nation reserve has never been an excuse for quitting, but has always been an inspiration to seek something better. He went from an Indigenous youth on a...