Profile Series: Steven Satour

Steven Satour – a driven Indigenous Australian entrepreneur – is more than happy that he has achieved his childhood dream of working in the tourism sector and sharing his Indigenous […]
Published on February 13, 2019

Steven Satour – a driven Indigenous Australian entrepreneur – is more than happy that he has achieved his childhood dream of working in the tourism sector and sharing his Indigenous culture with the outside world.

“Australia is home to the oldest living culture of the world. Its landscape is so vast and different it provides for so many rich and unique experiences.” said Satour, in an interview, with pride evident in his voice.

Satour is the founder, CEO and managing director of Iwara Travel, an Indigenous Australian-owned and operated business specializing in Indigenous tourism experiences. Satour, is a Yankunytjatjara and Pitjantjatjara from Central Australia. These Indigenous groups are from the desert region of Australia.

Read the entire PDF here. (4 pages)

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