Year: 2020

Lies at the Heart of Identity Politics

Lies at the Heart of Identity Politics

Identity politics demands the reduction of individual identity to collective census category identities. You are no longer an individual person with hopes and fears, talents and abilities, and motivations and opinions. The most important thing about you is your sex,...

How Marxists Take Over (and What to Do About it)

How Marxists Take Over (and What to Do About it)

The fall of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics did not end the threat of Communism. Yuri Bezmenov, an ex-KGB agent who defected from Russia to Canada in 1970, told us so more than 35 years ago. Even while the USSR was a strong empire, Bezmenov said it was “the...

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KGB Propagandist Bezmenov Finds new Audience

KGB Propagandist Bezmenov Finds new Audience

Yuri Bezmenov has been dead for decades, but his words have renewed attention. The former Soviet journalist and KGB operative defected to Canada in 1970 and adopted the name Tomas Schuman. Although he died in 1993, his writings, lectures and interviews have found new...

Operation Legend

Operation Legend

No amount of hammering at the tip can by itself sink the iceberg of crime, systemic suspicion, and social neglect. The angry man seems to turn his back on reason out of a kind of pain and inner convulsion. But the man motivated by desire, who is mastered by pleasure,...

Beware the Brotherhood

Beware the Brotherhood

“Look to the rock from which you were hewn And to the quarry from which you were dug.” --Isaiah 51:1b1 When it comes to Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood, Britain and France pay close and wary attention while Canada barely glances. It should be different. The...