Year: 2020

Asleep at the Wheel: Who is driving?

Asleep at the Wheel: Who is driving?

We have not reached the technological point where we can expect to see driverless vehicles plying our roadways, yet. However, as a recent incident on the QE2 highway in Alberta has demonstrated, we might be edging closer than some of us might have thought. How close...

How Schools can Close the Gap

How Schools can Close the Gap

Picture a school in an underprivileged part of north London, England.  One-third of nearby families live in poverty, a significant percentage are visible minorities, and the neighbourhood crime rate is twice the national average. What kind of academic results would...

Featured News

The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal

The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal

More than 1.4 million cases of COVID-19 and 106,000 deaths in the United States alone have accompanied stay-home lockdowns, businesses bankruptcies, over 40 million unemployed workers, plummeting tax revenues and unprecedented debt. Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson...

Blockades and Powwows

Blockades and Powwows

The chief of a Manitoba First Nation (reserve) intends to proceed with a powwow despite provincial COVID-19 regulations prohibiting large gatherings. Recently, four other First Nations set up blockades in northern Manitoba. One chief publicly tore up the court order...

Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

Screw the West, We’ll Take the Rest

An infamous quote (“Screw the west, we’ll take the rest”) from then Liberal organizer Keith Davey during the 1980 election drove Albertans bumper stickers saying “let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark”. Pierre Trudeau and his notorious National Energy Program...

Don’t be too Hasty to Rename Schools

Don’t be too Hasty to Rename Schools

If some petitioners get their way, Cecil Rhodes School will be no more. To be more precise, the Winnipeg school would still exist, but under a new name.  No doubt most Manitobans who hear about this have one burning question: Who is Cecil Rhodes?  Cecil Rhodes was a...

The Unraveling of American Policing

The Unraveling of American Policing

The current wave of protests in response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and across the United States is just another in a lengthy list of protests against police misconduct. The list is long: Rodney King incident in Los Angeles (1991); Abner Louima a...

The Workers’ Union Disadvantage

The Workers’ Union Disadvantage

A recent story covered in The Monitor – a magazine published by the left-wing, union-friendly think tank Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – provides an important lesson in basic economics. The headline of the story triumphantly proclaimed: “Gig workers win the...