Year: 2020

KGB Propagandist Bezmenov Finds new Audience

KGB Propagandist Bezmenov Finds new Audience

Yuri Bezmenov has been dead for decades, but his words have renewed attention. The former Soviet journalist and KGB operative defected to Canada in 1970 and adopted the name Tomas Schuman. Although he died in 1993, his writings, lectures and interviews have found new...

Operation Legend

Operation Legend

No amount of hammering at the tip can by itself sink the iceberg of crime, systemic suspicion, and social neglect. The angry man seems to turn his back on reason out of a kind of pain and inner convulsion. But the man motivated by desire, who is mastered by pleasure,...

Beware the Brotherhood

Beware the Brotherhood

“Look to the rock from which you were hewn And to the quarry from which you were dug.” --Isaiah 51:1b1 When it comes to Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood, Britain and France pay close and wary attention while Canada barely glances. It should be different. The...

Featured News

Reconciliation is Dead

Reconciliation is Dead

“Reconciliation is dead”, according to a Globe and Mail article penned by two Indigenous academics. That was also the message on signs carried by protestors blocking rail lines in support of some Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs. These people say that by announcing that...

Learning to Live with COVID-19

Learning to Live with COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that we have to learn to live with COVID-19. Notwithstanding hope of a vaccine, there is no guarantee. Thus, the virus awaits as we step out our door. And it could get worse.  Here, the virus has been suppressed by a...

Comparing Lives to Lives

Comparing Lives to Lives

Sometimes I wonder what people will say 100 years from now about the unprecedented events of 2020—not just about the pandemic, but about the extraordinary legal and economic measures imposed by governments around the world, purportedly for the purpose of saving lives....