Year: 2021

Firearms Legislation: A Symptomatic Solution

Firearms Legislation: A Symptomatic Solution

A headline like “Statistics Canada to Collect Data on Origins of Guns Used in Crime” in 2020 might seem surprising.1 After all, gun control, firearms-related offences, and the illegal distribution of firearms have been subjects of news reports and have driven...

Resurrecting Hydro from the Walking Dead

Resurrecting Hydro from the Walking Dead

With the completion of the Limestone Dam in 1990, with its large and low-cost generation capacity, the future outlook for meeting Manitoba’s electricity needs at low cost looked very positive.  But, thirty years later, instead of Manitoba Hydro’s finances strong and...

Featured News

Society in a Vise

Society in a Vise

Society constantly changes. And with change arise risks and opportunities. How we respond is an expression of our values regarding individual and human rights, freedom, and liberty. The expressions of these values arise from our conceptions of justice—what is right,...

Three Simple Things All Teachers Need to Know

Three Simple Things All Teachers Need to Know

It takes at least five years of training to become a teacher. In their university courses, prospective teachers learn a lot about the importance of diversity and the need for self-reflection. However, they learn precious little about effective instruction or about how...

The In-depth Story Behind a Climate Fraud

The In-depth Story Behind a Climate Fraud

Dr. John Robson investigates the unsound origins and fundamental inaccuracy, even dishonesty, of the claim that 97% of scientists, or "the world's scientists", or something agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous.

Foreign Influence in Canadian Economy?

Foreign Influence in Canadian Economy?

Foreign influence or interference has become a mediatic topic. The fear and suspicion of interference in the elections and democratic process have been in news headlines. For the western countries, the suspicion bears on Russia and China. Revisionist powers have a...

How ESG Standards Favor Toxic Petrostates

How ESG Standards Favor Toxic Petrostates

Coercion and vandalism have become commonplace tactics to force insurers off mining and oil development projects throughout the world. Ironically, that clears the way for companies with deep pockets and petrostates whose goal is geopolitical supremacy, not...